
Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2018

Reflection #5

As we all know it's nearly one year since we have Sunday trade ban in Poland. In my opinion it was very stupid decision of our government, because this ban created some new problems. At first this statute do harm to small contractors. Big supermarkets like Auchan or Biedronka hacked with trade ban very well and don't have losings like groceries. Finally a lot of small traders bankrupted. Second reason is that some concerns, for example Zabka evaded the law by creating postal points in their shops. Post offices can be open on Sunday so Zabka with PO also can. In my opinion, favourite argument of people who follow trade ban is inconsistent. They said, shop workers need free day on Sunday, but in this case, what should we do with doctors or police officers? I think they want day off too. Reasonable solution is to give shop workers one free day per week.