
Navigating the High Cost of Housing | National Geographic - Navigating the High Cost of Housing People in California are facing the housing crisis, which drove to the situation that they have to live in their cars. It's not a job issue, because majority of them just work, but a price of rental or purchasing home. A lot of them have well-paid jobs, but it's not enough even to rent a place to live. As they got works, they can't qualify for programs that consider them homeless. Sadly, specialists don't see this problem going any better in the near future. I can see a shift in the public's opinion. She lost her job to the recession . California has been hit hard by the housing crisis .

Ridding the ocean of plastic

Ridding the ocean of plastic, 08.06.17 - Hollywood actor, Adrian Grenier, especially known for his role in the show "Entourage" started his foundation, Lonely Whale, which are aimed at making people aware how dangerous is plastic pollution of the oceans. Boyan Slat, student from Netherlands, believe that we can remove the plastic, which is already in the ocean. He created prototype of artificial coastline structure, which are deep enough to collect plastic, but shallow enough to allow sealife to swim underneath. Specialists suspect his project, but a lot of investors are intresting in it and offer him money for next researches. He believes that, in twenty, maybe thirty years we could have the ocean as clean as it used to be in the 90s. A moment of carelessness could cost this animal it's life. I'm confident of your success. This shop is midships Świętokrzyska street.

How powerful is your passport?

How powerful is your passport? - Sometimes I wonder why passports have different colours. Yesterday I found out that isn't a coincidence, but it's usually a deliberate action. Many islamic countries have green passports, because this colour is related with Muslim faith. Common colour can also represent cooperation of countries, like European Union, where all member states have burgundy red passports. This is quite nice fun fact, but real question is what makes passport powerful? Passport power is measured by the number of countries you can access visa-free. At the moment, Singapore and South Korea are leading in this ranking, their citizens enjoy traveling through 162 countries without visa. Being a part of this community comes with privileges and duties. I didn't finish this novel yet, because it's so lenghty . I would like to make an appointment .

Caffeine 101

The video I watched was about influence of caffeine on our body. Everybody knows that caffeine stimulate our nervous system, but in this short video they showed clear animation, what the compound does in our body. Caffein attached to adenosine receptors in the brain whereby adenosine molecules, which are responsible for slowing down central nervous system before we sleep, are blocked and we don't feel tired. In my opinion "Caffeine 101" was well-prepared video, because it took only 3 minutes to watch it and I learn something new.


There was an old poor Mike Who only had his red bike When the bike turned blue He got a terrible flu And found out he loved to  hike

Reflection #5

As we all know it's nearly one year since we have Sunday trade ban in Poland. In my opinion it was very stupid decision of our government, because this ban created some new problems. At first this statute do harm to small contractors. Big supermarkets like Auchan or Biedronka hacked with trade ban very well and don't have losings like groceries. Finally a lot of small traders bankrupted. Second reason is that some concerns, for example Zabka evaded the law by creating postal points in their shops. Post offices can be open on Sunday so Zabka with PO also can. In my opinion, favourite argument of people who follow trade ban is inconsistent. They said, shop workers need free day on Sunday, but in this case, what should we do with doctors or police officers? I think they want day off too. Reasonable solution is to give shop workers one free day per week.

Reflection #4

   Last week I went to the cinema with my family and watched "Bohemian Rhapsody", movie about one of the most famous English rock bands - Queen. People from movie business and cinema viewers enjoy this film, but majority of devoted fans of Queen really critisized it. In my opinion, they're in the wrong.    Biggest fans of Queen usually critisized this film, because it doesn't keep chronology. Some situations in movie happened to early, for example Freddie found out that he have AIDS in 1987, but in adaptation he knew it before Live Aid, which took place in 1985. For me, it isn't such a problem, because this film is not a biography so it can have some contradictions.    I recommend to not listen to critics and just go to the cinema so that valuate this movie on your own.