Ridding the ocean of plastic

Ridding the ocean of plastic, 08.06.17 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnG8dWGJ2FE

Hollywood actor, Adrian Grenier, especially known for his role in the show "Entourage" started his foundation, Lonely Whale, which are aimed at making people aware how dangerous is plastic pollution of the oceans. Boyan Slat, student from Netherlands, believe that we can remove the plastic, which is already in the ocean. He created prototype of artificial coastline structure, which are deep enough to collect plastic, but shallow enough to allow sealife to swim underneath. Specialists suspect his project, but a lot of investors are intresting in it and offer him money for next researches. He believes that, in twenty, maybe thirty years we could have the ocean as clean as it used to be in the 90s.

A moment of carelessness could cost this animal it's life.
I'm confident of your success.
This shop is midships Świętokrzyska street.


  1. Unfortunately, a lot of this plastic breaks down into small particles and gets into animals' systems. nd we also consume it with meat and other food and drinks.
    It looks like we've created our own misery and little can be done about it. But of course, removing as much plastic from the ocean as possible is necessary.
    Your last example is weird?


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