Why are alt-right politicians becoming more and more popular?

I think about it for a while and I've come to the conclusion this tendency is connected with incompetence of the Left governments. Second reason is a migration crisis in Europe. After assassinations in Paris and Manchester europeans don't trust immigrants from Africa and Muslim countries. Alt-right politicians all over the world figure out that they have a chance to be a real oposition to the Left.
Great example is current situation in Brazil. Last month Bolsonaro, who is alt-right for sure, won the president election. The previous president, Michel Temer is complicit in corruptive affair and it makes him hated in whole country. Temer is related with the Left, so his affair ruin reputation of new democratic candidate, Fernando Haddad. People voted for Bolsonaro, because he promised to clean up after previous government and they left out the fact he's alt-right person - or maybe more than half of society in Brazil is homophobic, racist and sexist.
In Europe more and more countries have an antimigration parties. The reason is that guilty of assassinations are often immigrants from Africa and Muslim countries. Europeans increasingly victimise immigrants , because somebody with the same skin colour do harm to them. The Left criticise such behaviour, but alt-right politicians approve it.


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